you need more background sounds. at 1:19 it is perfect, just work on adding some more.
you need more background sounds. at 1:19 it is perfect, just work on adding some more.
Yeh, i could have added some sounds like an atmosphere, a panflute or some sounds that could go well
a little bad
I know
the crashes are a bit...silly?
great song love the melody, but as i said, the crashes are a bit...silly?
since a specific song I stop using that crash that is "you and me"... I think
EDIT: do an update where u make the volume louder
Yes, Man!
(Update) - I already updated it :)
pretty cool, the drop has too much drums, and atmospheric.
Thank you!
background noises. not much. 1:14 is really good, you added a bunch of background sounds.
thanks man
not my style :(
Not mine either… I just decided to design a beautiful, intricate melody and I don’t see what’s wrong with that
It’s fun to play on piano
the transition at 0:51 kinda just cuts off, and then the drop comes in. Other than that, pretty nice and happy tune. Good job!
EDIT: I think you posted this song 1 minute before I am writing this or one hour...
EDIT 2: no u didnt
EDIT 3: u actually did sorta
well, I left it like that on purpose, i thought it would be good but thanks for the information buddy
edit : i fixed the issue, i hope you like it
edit 2 : well i tried my best, sorry if it didnt work
Music keeps me sane.
Memphis, TN (USA)
Joined on 5/6/22